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Meditation Mala: The Ultimate Guide

If you meditate regularly you may have heard of or come across japamala; commonly known as mala beads.

Mala is a string of prayer beads commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Shintō, and other traditions for the spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as japa. They are similar to other forms of prayer beads used in various world religions and sometimes referred to in English as a "rosary".

Today, they’re sometimes used as a mindfulness aid without any religious affiliation. They traditionally include 108 beads in addition to a guru bead, which is larger than the rest of the beads and often has a tassel.

Important features of the Japamala

Tassel - The tassel may have different meanings, but traditionally they represent oneness. Like our connection to the divine and to each other, the many strings come together to form the tassel. It also symbolize

The Guru Bead - The tassel is attached directly to the guru bead. The mala traditionally has 108 beads with the guru bead being the 109th.

The guru bead represents or pays tribute to the relationship between the student and their guru. The guru is often the one that the student receives his or her mantra from.

Overhand Knotting - Is the true mark of the traditional japamala as it makes the necklace stronger which gives this mala its lengthy life span and ruggedness.

Why it's useful for meditation

Keeping your mind focused is the hardest part of meditation. The mala is supposed to help you manage that focus. This is done by counting the mala beads as the you recite your mantra.

The repetitive movement of the fingers across the mala beads can also help ground you. It gets easier and more intense with more practice.

You keep track of how many times you have repeated your mantra by counting the beads.

How to use them

In this video Ashlee from Mala Collective gives a great intro on how to use the for meditation.

  • Hold your mala with one hand with the tassel facing toward you.

  • Let it drape across your fingers so you can move it easily. Place two fingers around one of the beads next to the guru bead. Many people use their thumb and middle finger, as some religious traditions avoid using the index finger.

  • Complete one full breath (inhale and exhale).

  • Move your fingers to the next bead, breathing in and out once per bead.

  • Finish at the guru bead to complete 108 breaths.

  • If you want to do another round, just move your fingers in the opposite direction until you reach the guru bead again.

Note: This technique can also be used with the mantra, by replacing repeating the mantra with each bead. Your mantra is typically given to you by your teacher or guru or you can come up with one for yourself.

Choosing your Mala Necklace Beads

Choosing a mala can be an exciting process as it can be a very personal indevor. But there are important factors to understand when making that choice.

We are going to take an in-depth look at the mala from the significance of the bead material, size and their colors to the types of cord and knots.

Gemstone Vs Wood - If you prefer a mala that is light and airy then you should be going for a mala bead made of wood. You may want beads made from gemtone or crystal which have been developing for hundreds of years under the earth's surface.

Gemstone and Crystal have a unique energy signature. To help you narrow down your choices I'm providing the energy properties of each.

The properties of wood and gemstone

Agate - If your life constantly feels out of balance, with one aspect going well while another spins out of control, use agate to establish stability with its grounding energy. This crystal slowly but surely helps you build up your strengths and diminish your weaknesses with acceptance. With increased concentration and confidence, agate makes it easier to focus on what is good in your life, so that you can heal from mistakes and bring harmony to everything you do.

Amazonite- If your mind is polluted with toxic negativity, clean it up with Amazonite. Often, pain that we experienced in our past creates energy blocks in our present. This can manifest into a difficulty expressing yourself in relationships, or even into creative slumps at work. By flooding your heart and throat chakras with loving energy, Amazonite opens you up to release that which has hurt you so you can better express yourself in every area of life.

Aventurine-If you’re heading to Vegas, forget about lady luck—you want aventurine by your side! Though playfully referred to as a gambler’s stone, Aventurine is helpful to everyone. Sometimes a gamble looks less like a game and more like a fork in the road; a time when you have to decide between security and risk. In connecting with the heart chakra, Aventurine graces the spirit with a sense of confidence that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary.

Azurite - Though Azurite gets its name from the word azure, meaning blue, the energy it blesses you with will have you feeling anything but blue. Azurite is often referred to as the “Stone of the Heavens,” as it aids in the pursuit of the heavenly self. It is believed to awaken psychic abilities, helping you to recognize intuition and spiritual guidance. It calms and relieves mental stress, helping you to clear your mind and dissolve any blocked energy.

Bayong- Comes from the Boyong tree. A native tree to the Philippines. It is rustic red or brown in color and lightweight.

Bloodstone - Get your blood pumping with the revitalizing energy of Bloodstone. Like a coach, the Bloodstone meaning fills you with a surge of courage, self-esteem, energy and protection so that you can enjoy living in the now. It is a stone of both physical and creative movement, and stimulates the root chakra helping to get the energy flowing in your mind, body and spirit. With the pure, upbeat energy of this crystal, you’ll make the most out of every moment.

Carnelian - Carnelian is the life of the party. Creative and confident, the energy of carnelian motivates a rush of vibrancy within the sacral chakra to stimulate your inner star. Tapping into carnelian’s exciting properties will lend a sense of power that can prove especially beneficial for anyone looking to break through creative blocks or embark on new projects and ambitions. With carnelian close, you'll be sure to impress others with your charm and vitality.

Citrine - Derived from the French word “citron” meaning lemon, this crystal's vibe is anything but sour! Sweet is the essence of this gem. Its sunny attitude cultivates energy that is fertile for growth. It energizes the solar plexus chakra to radiate power, centeredness, confidence and endurance. Citrine is one of few stones that, rather than absorbing negative energy, clears it. It makes room for happiness and light so the spirit is open to positive possibilities.

Dolomite - Dolomite invigorates our entire chakra system while grounding our emotions into the physical realm. If you often find yourself out of balance, Dolomite's energies focus on centering our emotional and physical bodies. This mineral harnesses its element by rooting one's aura deep into the core of the earth. Here, we can tap into Mother Earth's energies and intentions so that we may begin to reprogram our chakra system to be fully aligned once more. If you are one that is eager to clear your headspace of unneeded, self-deprecating thoughts and would like to tap into Mother Earth’s energies for guidance, Dolomite is a stone that you should be working with. When one is fully aligned with their chakra system, their decisions and thoughts will be of pure and decisive intent.

Fluorite - Embrace the energy of fluorite, and flow right into those sweet dreams. Let fluorite guide you from a state of anxiety to one of tranquility by cleansing both your mind and environment. This is an absorbent crystal that will neutralize all of the negativity around it. Its rainbow hues spiritually cleanse you and fill you with peace, joy and happiness. Sleeping near or meditating with fluorite ensures mental clarity, and harmony between chakras.

Garnet - Not all energy has to come in a Venti-sized cup; reenergize the crystal way with garnet, and you’ll have all of the vitality without the impending crash. By arousing the chi, or life force, within the physical body, garnet encourages you to go out and smell roses. It clears any energy blockages within the body that are preventing you from living fully. Seize the day and all of your potential with help of this stone for enhancing health, passion and pleasure.

Hematite - Hematite tells it like it is. If you’re spinning out of control, or spending all your time going over things in your mind on constant replay, hematite is going to give you a reality check. It brings you out of your mind and back down to earth. Hematite’s energy focuses on the body, and it teaches us to do the same. Rather than over analyzing due to stress or anxiety, use hematite to connect to your root chakra so that you can stay grounded and just be.

Jade - Jade is like that outfit you wear on first dates or that necklace you wear on job interviews—it always brings good luck. Through awakening a new outlook in the third eye chakra, jade opens you up to prosperity and abundance. Its ancient wisdom can lend an insightful energy to your modern day problems. Through instilling a sense of peace and purity within the mind, jade guides the spirit until it has a clear vision of who you are truly meant to be.

Jasper - Jasper is a solar stone, known as the Supreme Nurturer. Its vibrations emanate a great warmth that brings about a soothing sense of joy. When carrying or wearing Jasper, one may find it easier to unlock the inner joy of those around them. It imminently leads one to awareness, of the self and others. This allows one to appreciate situations of isolation. It also allows us to realize that in most cases, one can call upon others to provide useful insights ,and to energetically provide love and support for one’s physical manifestation.

Labradorite - With the mystical energy of labradorite, sparks of neon will illuminate the path to your destiny. Labradorite is a stone of magic and curiosity. Wearing or holding Labradorite helps you tap into a higher state of consciousness. It’s a protective stone as well, so it will keep your energy body grounded, while allowing you to explore the expanded states of the universe. By connecting to and healing all chakras, it boosts mental and spiritual power. Labradorite opens you up, forcing you to become self-aware enough to see what you want.

Lapiz Lazuli - Realize your spiritual potential with the high vibrational energy of Lapis Lazuli. Full of the wisdom and awareness that this stone brings, your soul will be ready to embark on a journey of awakening. Strive toward enlightenment as you pursue your true destiny, and leave pettiness and stress behind. This is a powerful stone for broadening your understanding, and should be used especially by those having issues with self-expression and self-awareness.

Magnesite - Magnetite is a very powerful stone that activates our entire chakra system. Working with this stone will help realign our chakras and removing any blockages that may be between them. It helps one stay grounded and connected to this earth, while also bringing down any ideas or feelings that weigh constantly on your mind. Magnetite helps attract the energy you output and is here to provide one with a “reflection” of themselves. This stone helps one see themselves from a different perspective then they’re used too, and provides one with the evidence needed to then make a change. By changing certain aspects of your ways, one will soon realize the difference in energy the universe channels to them daily.

Mohogany Obsidian - Mahogany Obsidian is a perfect meditation tool for anyone working to release negative energies and stimulate growth on all levels. This stone works on cleansing ones aura and providing protection from future incoming vibrations that may cause one distress or discomfort. The Council recommends using a stone of higher vibrations in conjunction with Mahogany Obsidian to ground these energies into the earthly plane. Some such stones can be Phenacite, Herkimer Diamond, or Sugelite. These energies combined with that of Obsidian will expand ones awareness and mental capabilities, while helping achieve the highest version of ourselves.

Moonstone - Moonstone is a very receptive stone that is known to draw in love. Wearing or carrying Moonstone can help bring more love into your life and will aid in understanding your emotions. It is especially receptive to the feelings of those using it and can be used for healing as well. Try holding a piece of Moonstone and empowering it with loving vibrations, give it to someone who is going through difficult times (especially emotionally) so they can feel the extra love as well. A common tale is that if two lovers place a piece of Moonstone in their mouths on the night of the full Moon, it allows them to see their future.

Obsidian - Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most self-aware of them all? With black obsidian in hand, it’s probably you. Facing the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of ourselves is hard, but obsidian makes it easier. It forces you to accept your true self entirely. Working with black obsidian will assist you in cutting the stress and negative patterns from your life by first bringing them to your attention, then absorbing that toxic energy.

Onyx - This stone strengthens one's confidence, making the person feel more secure by stabilizing mental and physical imbalances. It will provide the structure that one craves, and to be the master of their own future. One will master the creation of their future by making wise decisions and becoming the driving force of their own lives.

Quartz - During meditation, Quartz will allow any images or messages projected from the mind or ones higher self to become clear and lucid, aiding one to take a deeper journey inward toward the self. Quartz promotes general expansion of consciousness and will also allow one’s dreams to remain fresh in the mind upon waking up. It will stimulate the mind to reflect upon these dreams and aid in finding the potential messages and meanings behind them. Bare in mind that because this stone is an enhancer of energies, it tends to absorb psychic debris and should be cleansed frequently.

Red Jasper - Red Jasper almost seems to hug you with its comforting essence. Jasper’s grounding energy is the support you can lean on when stress is tearing you down. It healing properties bring stability to your body and spirit by balancing the root chakra. As a supreme nurturer, jasper soothes the mind of anxiety so that it can focus on other things. Jasper’s encouragement helps you to take on new pursuits, deal with conflicts and approach problems with creative solutions.

Rhodonite - Keep calm and carry on is the message that rhodonite inspires within the heart chakra. When stirring feelings are causing waves of turmoil in your spiritual body, tame the emotional seas with rhodonite’s love, grounding and insight. The rhodonite meaning opens and expands your heart to infinite possibilities. Discover new passions, attract a more fulfilling kind of love and boost humanitarian efforts with the help of this crystal for calm connectedness.

Rose Quartz - See the world through rose tinted glasses by tapping into the universal love of rose quartz. This stone will open up your heart chakra to every kind of love that you need—whether it’s self-love, familial love, friendship love, love for humanity or romantic love. As a flush of compassion, happiness, forgiveness and peace pulses through you, rose quartz will assist you in releasing toxic emotions so your spirit can finally be free of petty negativity.

Serpentine -If an inability to get a handle on your hormones has you reminiscing about your teenage years in all the wrong ways, use Serpentine to bring back the balance. Serpentine helps to clear out and release the dense areas of the chakras so that healing can occur. Serpentine serves as a gentle reminder that your life is what you create it to be. Use it to attract and manifest anything you want in life, whether that's abundance, prosperity, love or emotional healing!

Sodalite - The way Sodalite grounds you with energies like self-esteem, acceptance and trust will have you begging to get grounded. This harmony-inducing stone reestablishes the connection between the higher mind and the body, releasing the fears and tensions held in both. Use sodalite’s encouraging energy to strengthen bonds with others and bring balance into every area of your life. It's also a powerful stone for intuition and tapping into your sixth sense.

Sunstone - Just as the sun brings life to all the living things on Earth, Sunstone will breathe life into your creative spirit. It promotes energy, vitality, and creativity. Its effervescent energy reminds you of the joy that creating is meant to inspire. Sunstone nourishes the sacral and solar plexus chakras to breed confidence, power and leadership. Free from beneath the blanket of self-doubt, your creativity will finally flourish with the power of the sun.

Tigerseye - Tiger’s Eye's ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby you’d like to try? A solution to a problem you haven’t considered? An aspect to yourself that you haven’t indulged? Tiger’s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.

Tree Agate - Establish strong spiritual roots with Tree Agate, and wavering emotions will never be enough to tear you down. Those looking for stability and nurturing protection will find solace in the gentle, but sturdy security of tree agate. Tune into the energy of Earth’s ancient trees with this crystal for perseverance, and you’ll learn how to weather any storm. The abundance that this crystal attracts will also bring new opportunities your way.

Turquoise - Said by Native American cultures to be the bridge between heaven and Earth, Turquoise provides a path to your vibrationally highest self. Many Native American cultures believe that turquoise connects the mind to the infinite possibilities of the Universe. As a throat Chakra stone, turquoise helps to foster honest and open communication. In working to protect and align the chakras, turquoise strengthens the entire mind and body in the process.

Unakite - Unakite fills you with gratitude and thankfulness. By opening your heart and guiding you to embrace the present moment, it helps you to see your life from a new perspective. By living in the now and learning to love where you are in life right now, you can develop a deeper sense of appreciation and happiness. Let the Unakite energy remind you to find something to be thankful for each day, and in tu each day will be one you are thankful for.

Aligning your intentions

Now that you have a handle on gemstone and wood beads, I hope you had a chance to bookmark a couple that could benefit you at this time in your life. It is important to align your intentions and personal goals with those of the metaphysical properties of the gemstones mentioned above for the best results.

Wired vs knotted mala

A wired mala allows a little bit of room for the beads to move and you count the beads around the circle. A knotted male is made with a cord placing a knot between each bead keeping it tightly in place. The difference here is mostly a preference in how the beads feel in the fingers; loose or tight.

Although a tassel is the traditional way to finish the mala, some people prefer a charm, pendant, or gemstone, this is a personal preference.

More on malas: Tiny Devotions



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